Buying and Selling

Buying and Selling Making Sense of Home Improvements: What Adds Value? Before diving into renovation projects, it’s important to understand which upgrades are likely to boost your home’s value and which ones may not yield a significant return on investment. While certain improvements can enhance your home’s appeal and attract potential buyers, others may fall short of expectations. It’s prudent to explore examples of home improvements […]
Buying and Selling How to Buy and Sell a Home at the Same Time (Without Losing Your Mind) Buying or selling a home is a big adventure; some thrill seekers may choose to take on both tasks at the same time. If you’re finding yourself in the position of needing to buy and sell at the same time, here are some tips to help you navigate the possibly challenging course ahead of you. […]
Buying and Selling The Danger of Do-It-Yourself Divorce The Danger of Do-It-Yourself Divorce Ken & Barbie have been married 20 years and have owned their current home for over 10 years. Without the benefit of legal or tax advice, they decide to divorce with Ken taking his retirement and Barbie taking the equity in the home which are equal in value. It appears […]
Buying and Selling The Net Worth Advantage: Homeowners vs. Renters The decision to rent or own a home is not just about having a place to live; it also has significant implications for your financial future. One key aspect that often comes into play is net worth … the value of your assets minus your liabilities. Numerous studies and statistics highlight a compelling trend: homeowners […]
Buying and Selling Awareness is Key to Safeguarding Against Scams When it comes to safeguarding against scams, awareness is key. By being vigilant and recognizing consistent red flags, you can effectively thwart scammers in their tracks. Stay one step ahead and keep an eye out for these warning signs to protect yourself from falling victim to fraudulent schemes. Unexpected contact – You receive unanticipated contact […]
Buying and Selling Evaluate Your Mortgage Loan Types Making an informed decision about securing a mortgage loan is vital, as it involves understanding the available options and considering relevant factors. With a range of mortgage types designed to cater to diverse needs, it is essential to carefully evaluate your circumstances and goals to select the most suitable option. By taking the time to […]
Buying and Selling How Appreciation and Amortization Benefit Homeowners Owning a home is not only a place to live but also a valuable asset that can contribute to long-term wealth accumulation. Two key factors that play a vital role in increasing a homeowner’s wealth are appreciation and amortization. Understanding how these factors work can provide homeowners with insights into building substantial financial equity over […]
Buying and Selling The Dual Forces Building Homeowner’s Wealth When it comes to wealth accumulation, homeownership offers a unique advantage through the combined forces of appreciation and amortization. These two factors work hand in hand to contribute significantly to a homeowner’s financial journey towards building long-term wealth. Appreciation refers to the increase in the value of a property over time. While real estate markets […]
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Buying and Selling Avoid Taxes by Keeping Track of Improvements Keeping track of capital improvements to your home can help you avoid taxes later down the road when you sell it. Some homeowners don’t even consider such a thing because they are aware of the capital gain exclusion of up to $500,000 for married homeowners and $250,000 for single filers.  Possibly, the gain in a past […]
Buying and Selling A New Perspective on the Housing Market The housing market in 2021 and part of 2022 was anything but normal.  Mortgage rates were at all time lows and may never reach those levels again.  Double-digit appreciation drove prices to new heights.  Low inventories fueled by high buyer demand made multiple offers a normal expectation. As we look at the market snapshots provided by MLS in […]
Buying and Selling Bergen County 1 family and condo/co-op stats 2022 vs 2021 from NJMLS
Buying and Selling Negotiating Your Position The seller wants the most for their home and the buyer wants to pay the least possible.  From the very beginning of the homebuying process, there are adversarial positions between the principals.  If you happen to be in a multi-offer situation, it just complicates things further. Then, there are the emotions that tend to cloud the decision […]
Buying and Selling Moving Down in an Up Market      
Buying and Selling Buy Before You Sell    
Buying and Selling Today is a Skills Market In today’s ultra-competitive real estate market where there is only 1.7 months supply of inventory compared to 6 months in a balanced market, and the average home is getting 4.8 offers per sale, it is more important than ever to have the right person “champion” your cause. In the Middle Ages, it became customary for […]